Thank You To Our Donors!
Laura Horowitz
John Farrell
John Farrell- I will be taking the plunge.
John Farrell
I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
Lewis Kendall
Lewis Kendall may participate in the plunge (I also may just take photos)
Dan Shapley
Dan Shapley. I will plunge.
Madeline Feaster

Join Team Riverkeeper as we brave the icy waters of the Hudson River on Saturday, February 8 at the Escape from Sing Sing Plunge at 10am at Louis Engel Park in Ossining to support our friends at Gullotta House!
To join the Riverkeeper team and take the plunge with us, click on the DONATE button, donate the any amount as the registration fee, and include your name and plans to take the plunge in the comment section.